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Monthly Archives: August 2014

How Can Wearable Cameras Help Memory Conditions?

The newest editions of wearable cameras are targeted toward the social media enthusiasts, eager to share their day with the world. These cameras are often small and imperceptible, secretly snapping photos and documenting one’s life. The future of these devices is promising in the social realm, but these cameras could potentially make a positive impact in the medical field as well.

Wearable cameras provide somewhat of a visual diary, what they are now calling “life-logging.” For the social media butterflies, these cameras make it easier to share their lives with their friends and followers. These devices essentially allow a peek into the life of the person donning the camera.

The originators of this technology had something different in mind. These devices were created as a goal to help patients suffering from amnesia or dementia recall important events and aid in memory and recall abilities.

By documenting your entire day, you permit a review of your daily activities. For those with memory issues, whether a type of amnesia or dementia, reviewing these images and videos can help exercise the brain and trigger memory recall.

A previous case study evaluated what was called a SenseCam, and showed that memory could be improved. Reviewing images from the SenseCam regularly helped overall recall. The study showed that the individual “could recall more than 80% of key facts about significant events after a fortnight of reviewing SenseCam images every couple of days and that a similar level of recall persisted for months after she stopped looking at the pictures.” Using these images as cues helped to trigger certain parts of the brain associated with memories. Exercising these parts seemed to have strengthened memory recollection.

While this case study portrays a promising future for these wearable cameras, privacy still remains as a major issue. Especially in healthcare, patient privacy and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) violations may cause controversy.

Do you think these devices impose on other people’s right to privacy, or do you believe they can be plausible devices for health and social media use? Let us know what you think. Connect with us on social networks – Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest.

For your security camera systems needs, choose Shop our stock of security cameras, parts and accessories online. To order over the phone, give us a call at 1-888-203-6294.

The Importance Of Image Sensors For High Resolution Cameras

High resolution surveillance cameras can greatly improve you security camera system. Providing quality recordings can produce excellent footage and possible evidence for crimes. These cameras deliver high resolution through the employment of CCD Image sensors. Image sensors dictate how much light is let in, thus determining the ultimate outcome of the picture. To understand high resolution security cameras and image sensors, we will first discuss pixels.

Very simply, pixels are tiny dots that make up a picture. It’s likely you’ve heard the term “megapixel” before, related to either that digital camera you have or the specs of the camera on your smart phone. It’s widely assumed that the higher the megapixel count, the better the image quality. While this can hold true at times, it is not always the case. Megapixels are calculated by multiplying the pixel dimensions, therefore, the higher the megapixel count, the increased number of pixels there are in an image. For high resolution cameras, high megapixel counts paired with a proper image sensors help to deliver better recordings and image details.

Image sensors work with pixels by defining light exposure and converting it into the appropriate number of electrons. The amount of light and electrons are directly related; more light exposure results in more electrons. There are two main types of image sensors, one being CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) and the other, CCD (charge-coupled device), which is used in high resolution security cameras. Both are useful and efficient with strengths and weaknesses in different areas.

CMOS image sensors tend to have lower photosensitivity and more susceptibility to noise. They usually have lower power consumption, are easy to produce, somewhat more versatile and cost less than CCD image sensors.

CCD image sensors usually produce high-quality, low-noise images. Thanks to their high sensitivity to light, these image sensors produce better images in low light environments. The downside to this is that they consume considerably more power than CMOS image sensors. Since CCD image sensors have been around longer, they have more sophisticated features and more pixels. Because of this, they provide excellent footage, thus, are better suited for high resolution security cameras.

Do you employ high resolution security cameras within your surveillance system? Do you have any advice or tips for others? Share with us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest. We would love to hear your feedback and your peers could benefit from your words.

Visit online at to shop our selection of high resolution security cameras and more. If you have any questions or would like to speak to us directly, please call us at 1-888-203-6294.

Shark Surveillance

Surveillance cameras can help us gain insight into world’s we could never imagine. With advanced technology, we can pre-program cameras to perform without human instruction. Take the REMUS SharkCam, which was built to follow and film tagged animals, in this case, great white sharks. A year after it was employed, the SharkCam produced interesting footage. In honor of #SharkWeek, we will discuss how this amazing camera works and the astonishing footage it captured over a year.

REMUS stands for Remote Environmental Monitoring UnitS, and the SharkCam used in this experiment utilized six GoPro cameras. These six cameras were situated with one rear facing, one forward facing, one to the left, one to the right, one forward facing up and one forward facing down. An underwater LED allowed for enhanced recordings around the clock. The REMUS SharkCam was able to catch footage and survive numerous attacks.

The REMUS SharkCam documented the behavior of sharks in their natural element. Much like they attack seals, the sharks lurked low beneath the SharkCam before swimming up to bite the tail end or midsection. Apparently sharks are known to bite metal, and they have electrosensory organs (ampullae of Lorenzini) which help them hunt. It’s likely that the REMUS SharkCam was emitting strong signals which spurred the sharks to attack.

Aside from attacks, territorial behavior and prey and predator interaction was also recorded. With an up close look from the REMUS, we can gain a better understanding of sharks and other underwater animals and plants. With an improved perspective from misunderstood animals, we can hopefully devise ways to minimize attacks and increase safety for both humans and sharks.

For more information on shark week and the shark week TV schedule, visit the Discovery Channel. For security camera systems and services, visit us online at or give us a call at 1-888-203-6294.

Can Window Films and Security Screens Help To Keep Our Kids Safe?

With the heartbreakingly common news of schools on lockdown for various safety issues, it’s no surprise that school security is a major concern. Despite attempts to up security measures, these unfortunate events continue. Some occurrences have been stopped before further escalation, proving that our efforts are not in vain. However, this still does little to ease the minds of parents and students alike. With many schools installing more security cameras, having more security presence and implementing stricter visitor policies, there are still incidences when someone slips through the cracks.

Some solutions to these vulnerabilities are window films and screens. While these are not necessarily new products, they have been improved over time and can be helpful. These films and screens work to slow down the efforts to break into the school, possibly buying precious seconds of time to react and possibly save lives.

Window films are placed directly on the window, acting as a reinforcement of sorts, making it harder to break the glass. The new and improved version is tear-resistant with added layers for a stronger hold. It also helps to hold broken glass, preventing shattered glass from flying and possibly injuring others.

Slightly more expensive, yet a bit more effective are security screens. Security screens boast a sturdier barrier for intruders. While neither films nor screens can stop bullets, they do make it nearly impossible to create a larger opening. Another benefit of security screens is that they are more obvious, and can act as a deterrent. If painted black, the screens can provide a tint, almost like a two way mirror. Outsiders can’t see in, but students and staff can view the outside.

These window films and security screens offer additional security from attackers. While they seem like a harmless and helpful security measure, some parents argue that they give the schools a prison look and feel. What do you think about these protective measures? Share your thoughts with us on our social networks – Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest. values your security and satisfaction. We offer high quality products to help you secure your home, property or business. Browse our stock online or give us a call at 1-888-203-6294 to place your order.

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