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Cloud Cameras

What You Need To Know About Cloud Cameras

What are cloud cameras and why should you invest in them?

A cloud-based security camera, or cloud camera, is a security camera that is closely related to the IP camera. Both cloud and IP cameras connect to the internet, however, with cloud cameras, you need not assign IP addresses to each camera. Cloud cameras make it simple – all they need is a power cord and an Ethernet cable and you’re set. Cloud cameras will come with software or an app that enables streaming and remote camera management via smart device or computer.

On the upside, cloud cameras offer excellent benefits for users. First of all, these cameras are extremely easy to set up as they essentially plug-and-play. They are compact, affordable and accessible.

Cloud-based cameras also allow you to access your video feed virtually anytime from any place. While IP cameras can also provide this benefit, they require a bit more extensive set up to ensure proper performance and security.

In addition, cloud cameras boast automatic updates, device software improvements, and security vulnerability patching. Maintaining any additional hardware and software is no longer a worry.

With these advantages come some disadvantages. Cloud cameras come with monthly fees and limited functionality depending on how much you are willing to pay. And your provider may raise prices at any time, thus you must pay the higher price or purchase a different camera.

Privacy concerns and security risks are another factor, as your video feed is available on an external server. Also, because your cloud camera will be constantly sending data over the internet, it can slow down connection for other internet activities. For those in areas with slow service or data caps, cloud cameras may not be a feasible option.

The important thing to remember is that there are numerous security cameras with different features on the market. You should evaluate your needs and research different types of cameras to determine which type is right for you. If you need some help or have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 888-203-6294. You can also browse our selection of top quality security cameras at cost-effective prices online at Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

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