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wall clock nanny cam

Protect Your Children With A Wall Clock Nanny Cam

An ordinary wall clock is an ingenious disguise for nanny cams. Functioning as a normal clock, a wall clock hidden camera is perfect since wall clocks are such a commonplace item in any room. With its convenient features, the SecurityMan Wall Clock Hidden Camera can help you monitor your home or small business.

Whether you are suspicious about your nanny or your kids, employing a wall clock nanny cam enables you to observe any activity when you’re not around. The SecurityMan Wall Clock Hidden Camera is an ideal candidate if you’re shopping for nanny cams or hidden cameras. This wall clock nanny cam captures color video, combats wireless interference, and is easy to install. The installation of this wall clock nanny cam involves minimal work – simply mount the wall clock nanny cam in the desired location and connect to a power supply. The clock itself takes AA batteries, but the camera requires an AC power adapter. Next, in relation to the wall clock nanny cam, the wireless receiver should be no further than 330ft in open space, or 100ft indoors. Maintaining a clear line of sight will aid in better wireless transmission, providing a more efficient wall clock hidden camera. The wireless receiver needs to be connected to a monitor for live, high quality color feed and you’re set! You can add a micro SD card for added recording memory (up to 32GB; not included). Additional receivers may be added so you can monitor from another room, however, additional wall clock nanny cams are not supported.

The benefits of hidden cameras and nanny cams can be quite significant. Have you noticed things missing in your home? Curious about what your kids do while you’re away? Nanny cams can capture all that activity and more, giving you hard evidence of theft or misbehavior. There have been far too many instances of child abuse and neglect with baby-sitters. Employing nanny cams could possibly prevent the abuse or catch it early before the repercussions worsen. If you even have the slightest suspicion, installing nanny cams is the easiest way to help keep your children safe so you can feel at ease.

Without costing an arm and a leg, the SecurityMan Wall Clock Hidden Camera can give you a sense of security. Wall clock nanny cams are perfect for hidden surveillance since people would rarely question the presence of a clock in a room. As technology advances, hidden cameras and nanny cams can be implanted in the most unassuming, mundane objects. Check out the SecurityMan Wall Clock Hidden Camera at and find more options for nanny cams. If you have any questions regarding nanny cams or security cameras in general, call us at 1-888-203-6294.

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