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surveillance cameras in public places

Surveillance Cameras Cut Crime Rates

When residents voice concerns about safety, it’s important for authorities to listen and take action. In Rancho Cordova, that’s exactly what they did. Public surveillance has been put into place to help curb crime rates and keep residents safe.

Authorities have implemented a public surveillance system which seems to be working and well liked by most residents. There are warning signs and surveillance cameras that are clearly visible in public areas, with more to come. Being so transparent with the surveillance allows these measures to positively influence people’s behavior. Knowing you are being watched often persuades people to be on their best behavior, abiding by rules and regulations to avoid any negative consequences.

But the key to the success of this public surveillance program is keeping a close watch on live feeds in real time. This allows authorities to become proactive, possibly preventing incidents from occurring, rather than reacting after the crime has occurred. In Rancho Cordova, the live feed is available to the police stations as well as officers in their vehicles. Live monitoring also allows for better reaction times, as officers can gauge the severity of situations and prioritize accordingly.

While some residents have raised privacy concerns, authorities assure them that these cameras are installed in public arenas, not in areas where there’s an expectation of privacy.

Does your neighborhood or city implement a similar system? Have you noticed a difference in your safety and crime rates? Share your experiences and opinions with us. Find us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest.

For your own security and surveillance needs, visit or give us a call at 1-888-203-6294. We carry a wide selection of security cameras, CCTV camera packages, surveillance equipment, and provide services such as installation, site surveys, technical support and more.

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