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Hidden Cameras on Dairy Farms

Everyone and everything deserves to be treated humanely. Hidden cameras can catch unjust treatment in places such as dairy farms. Animal rights activists and dairy and meat eaters alike would be appalled to find that animals are enduring extreme abuse at the hands of merciless workers.

A dairy farm in Wisconsin is under investigation after allegations of animal abuse, with hidden camera footage as hard evidence to support its claims. The graphic recordings show workers beating, stabbing, and dragging the cows, which the farm firmly states is not part of normal practice. The nature in which these workers are berating and battering these innocent animals may make you sick to the stomach.

With the blatant proof of abuse captured by hidden cameras, the farm in question has fired two workers and another is suspended from working with the animals. Large companies who have done business with this farm in the past have decided to cut ties since the story broke.

Without the hidden cameras, knowledge of this abuse would have never surfaced. It is impossible to know how long this may have been going on or if other farm workers are participating in animal abuse. Animal rights activists may take comfort if all farms used hidden cameras to monitor their workers, but it is clear better regulation is necessary.

Bottom line, abuse is abuse, whether the victim is a child, an elder, a spouse or an animal. Implementation of hidden cameras can provide telltale evidence of violence, cruelty and criminal acts. The way to prevent this is to have strict guidelines and follow-up on proper execution of rules and care. Other farms may want to install hidden cameras now to keep an eye on their workers and avoid poor publicity which will negatively affect their businesses.

Hidden cameras can be beneficial in various settings. They can help catch acts that may normally be overlooked. Browse our selection of hidden cameras at If you have any questions or concerns, contact us toll-free at 1-888-203-6294.

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